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contributor authorYen-Shin Lai
contributor authorWei-Ting Lee
contributor authorYong-Kai Lin
contributor authorJian-Feng Tsai
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:24:36Z
date available2020-03-12T18:24:36Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0885-8993
identifier other6547773.pdf
identifier uri
titleIntegrated Inverter/Converter Circuit and Control Technique of Motor Drives With Dual-Mode Control for EV/HEV Applications
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7989807
subject keywordsdigital control
subject keywordshybrid electric vehicles
subject keywordsinductors
subject keywordsinvertors
subject keywordsmachine windings
subject keywordspermanent magnet motors
subject keywordsphase control
subject keywordssignal processing
subject keywordsswitching convertors
subject keywordssynchronous motor drives
subject keywordsEV-HEV application
subject keywordsboost inductor
subject keywordsboost-type boost converter
subject keywordsconduction loss reduction
subject keywordsdc-link voltage
subject keywordsdigital signal processing
subject keywordsdigital-control inverter-converter
subject keywordsdual-mode control
subject keywordsintegrated inverter-converter circuit
subject keywordsmotor temperature
subject keywordsmotor winding
subject keywordspermanent magnet synchronous motor drive
subject keywordssingl
identifier doi10.1109/TPEL.2013.2263395
journal titlePower Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume29
journal issue3

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