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contributor authorDems, M.
contributor authorKomeza, K.
date accessioned2020-03-12T18:22:05Z
date available2020-03-12T18:22:05Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0278-0046
identifier other6476675.pdf
identifier uri
titlePerformance Characteristics of a High-Speed Energy-Saving Induction Motor With an Amorphous Stator Core
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid7988031
subject keywordsenergy conservation
subject keywordsinduction motors
subject keywordsinvertors
subject keywordslaminations
subject keywordsmachine windings
subject keywordsmagnetisation
subject keywordsstators
subject keywordsamorphous laminations
subject keywordsamorphous material
subject keywordsamorphous stator core
subject keywordsequivalent circuit
subject keywordsfield circuit
subject keywordsfrequency 100 Hz
subject keywordsfrequency 200 Hz
subject keywordsfrequency 50 Hz
subject keywordsfrequency inverter
subject keywordshigh-speed energy-saving induction motor
subject keywordsmagnetic flux density
subject keywordsmagnetic losses
subject keywordsmagnetic measurements
subject keywordsmagnetization curves
subject keywordsmechanical losses
subject keywordsnonlinearity
subject keywordsstator core
subject keywordswindings
subject keywordsCore loss
subject keywordsFrequency measurement
subject keywordsHarm
identifier doi10.1109/TIE.2013.2251739
journal titleIndustrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
journal volume61
journal issue6

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