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contributor authorWilson, R. John - Guzewich, Scott D.
date accessioned2020-03-11T15:25:47Z
date available2020-03-11T15:25:47Z
date issued2014
identifier issn1944-8007
identifier other10.1002-2014GL060086.pdf
identifier uri
publisherAmerican Geophysical Union
titleInfluence of water ice clouds on nighttime tropical temperature structure as seen by the Mars Climate Sounder
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid4423672
subject keywordsMars
subject keywordsatmosphere
subject keywordsclouds
subject keywordstides
subject keywords0343 Planetary atmospheres
subject keywords0321 Cloud/radiation interaction
subject keywords5210 Planetary atmospheres, clouds, and hazes
subject keywords5445 Meteorology
subject keywords5405 Atmospheres
identifier doi10.1002/2014GL060086
journal titleGeophysical Research Letters
journal volume41
journal issue10

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