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contributor authorIvanov, M. V. - Ksenofontov, B. S.
date accessioned2020-03-11T13:23:40Z
date available2020-03-11T13:23:40Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0273-1223
identifier other10.2166-wst.2014.046.pdf
identifier uri
publisherIWA Publishing
titleIntensification of flotation treatment by exposure to vibration.
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid4302983
subject keywordsINDUSTRIAL wastes
subject keywordsWOOD finishing
subject keywordsAIR flow
subject keywordsGAS flow
subject keywordsSEPARATION (Technology)
subject keywordsflotation
subject keywordsvibration
subject keywordsvibroflotation
subject keywordswastewater treatment
identifier doi10.2166/wst.2014.046
journal titleWater Science & Technology
journal volume69
journal issue7

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