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date accessioned2020-03-11T13:23:16Z
date available2020-03-11T13:23:16Z
date issued2014
identifier issn0043-1397
identifier other10.1002-2013WR013725.pdf
identifier uri
publisherAmerican Geophysical Union
titleSurface subsurface model intercomparison: A first set of benchmark results to diagnose integrated hydrology and feedbacks
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeMetadata Only
identifier padid4302717
subject keywordsmodel intercomparison
subject keywords1805 Computational hydrology
subject keywords1830 Groundwater/surface water interaction
subject keywords1838 Infiltration
identifier doi10.1002/2013WR013725
journal titleWater Resources Research
journal volume50
journal issue2
contributor rawauthorMaxwell, Reed M. - Putti, Mario - Meyerhoff, Steven - Delfs, Jens - Ferguson, Ian M. - Ivanov, Valeriy - Kim, Jongho - Kolditz, Olaf - Kollet, Stefan J. - Kumar, Mukesh - Lopez, Sonya - Niu, Jie - Paniconi, Claudio - Park, Young - Phanikumar, Mantha S. - Shen, Chaopeng - Sudicky, Edward A. - Sulis, Mauro

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