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contributor authorجواد سرگلزائیen
contributor authorمقداد ابرزنیen
contributor authorرضا امین زادهen
contributor authorJavad Sargolzaeifa
contributor authormeghdad abarzanifa
contributor authorReza Aminzadehfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:35:38Z
date available2020-06-06T14:35:38Z
date issued2011
identifier uri
description abstractUnsteady-state heat transfer in hamburger cooking process was modeled using one dimensional finite difference (FD) and three dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. A double-sided cooking system was designed to study the effect of pressure and oven temperature on the cooking process. Three different oven temperatures (114, 152, 204°C) and three different pressures (20, 332, 570 pa) were selected and 9 experiments were performed. Applying pressure to hamburger increases the contact area of hamburger with heating plate and hence the heat transfer rate to the hamburger was increased and caused the weight loss due to water evaporation and decreasing cooking time, while increasing oven temperature led to increasing weight loss and decreasing cooking time. CFD predicted results were in good agreement with the experimental results than the finite difference (FD) ones. But considering the long time needed for CFD model to simulate the cooking process (about 1 hour), using the finite difference model would be more economic.en
titleModeling and Simulation of Hamburger Cooking Process Using Finite Difference and CFD Methodsen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsCFDen
subject keywordsCooking processen
subject keywordsFDen
subject keywordsOven temperatureen
subject keywordsPressure effecten
subject keywordsWeight lossen
journal titleInternational Journal of Industrial Chemistryfa
journal volume2
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1022330

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