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contributor authorسید محسن مدرسی سریزدیen
contributor authorمحمود رضائی رکن آبادیen
contributor authorناصر شاه طهماسبیen
contributor authorداود واحدی فخرآبادen
contributor authorهادی عربشاهیen
contributor authorSayyed Mohsen Modarresi Saryazdifa
contributor authorMahmood Rezaee Roknabadifa
contributor authorNasser Shahtahmassebifa
contributor authordavoud vahedifa
contributor authorHadi Arabshahifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:34:31Z
date available2020-06-06T14:34:31Z
date issued2011
identifier uri
description abstractIn this research, we have studied the effect of inelastic electron–phonon interactions on current–voltage

characteristic and tunneling magnetoresistance of a polythiophene molecule that is sandwiched between

two cobalt electrodes using modified Green’s function method as proposed by Walczak. The molecule is

described with a modified Su–Schrieffer–Heeger Hamiltonian. The ground state of the molecule is

obtained by Hellman–Feynman theorem. Electrodes are described in the wide-band approximation and

spin-flip is neglected during conduction. Our calculation results show that with increase in voltage the

currents increase and tunneling magnetoresistance decreases. Change in tunneling magnetoresistance

due to inelastic interactions is limited in a small bias voltage interval and can be neglected in the other bias

titleA study of inelastic electron–phonon interactions on tunneling magnetoresistance of a nano-scale deviceen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsTunneling magnetoresistance

Green’s function


Electron–phonon interaction
journal titlePhysica B: Condensed Matterfa
journal volume406
journal issue127
identifier link
identifier articleid1020428

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