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contributor authorرضا فرهمندفرen
contributor authorمصطفی مظاهری طهرانیen
contributor authorسیدمحمدعلی رضویen
contributor authorمحمدباقر حبیبی نجفیen
contributor authorReza Farahmandfarfa
contributor authorMostafa Mazaheri Tehranifa
contributor authorSeyed Mohammad Ali Razavifa
contributor authorMohammad B Habibi Najafifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:32:45Z
date available2020-06-06T14:32:45Z
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractThe effects of soy cheese (tofu) and trisodium citrate concentration on the organoleptic

characteristics of pizza cheese were studied. Flavor, texture, stretchability, appearance, and overall

acceptability of pizza cheese samples decreased significantly with increased proportion of soy

cheese. Statistically, the color of cheese samples made from different blends of tofu and trisodium

citrate was similar to that in the control sample. Stretchability, appearance, and overall

acceptability of pizza cheese samples increased but not significantly (p>0.05) as concentration of

trisodium citrate increased. However, the scores of flavor did not show significant difference.
titleEffect of Soy Cheese and Trisodium Citrate on Pizza Cheeseen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordspizza cheeseen
subject keywordsimitation cheeseen
subject keywordssoy cheeseen
subject keywordssoyaen
subject keywordsorganoleptic propertiesen
journal titleInternational Journal of Food Engineeringen
journal titleInternational Journal of Food Engineeringfa
journal volume6
journal issue5
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identifier articleid1017360

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