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contributor authorمحمدحسن انتظاریen
contributor authorمحبوبه زارگزیen
contributor authorMohammad Hassan Entezarifa
contributor authormahboobeh zargazifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:31:04Z
date available2020-06-06T14:31:04Z
date copyright8/27/2019
date issued2019
identifier uri
description abstractMorphology has a key role in heterogeneous photocatalytic processes. Herein, various morphologies of bismuth ferrite (BFO) synthesized by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) as a simple, reproducible and cost-effective method. A homogeneous BFO film with low-porosity synthesized from an aqueous suspension including of charged nanoparticles. On the other hands, forest like BFO film was obtained from sol-suspension (including nanoclusters with size ranging from 10-100 nm) by EPD method. SEM images of films were depicted in Fig.1. Both films applied for photocatalytic degradation of phenol in an aqueous solution. Results showed that the forest like film has higher degradation efficiency than homogeneous film. Forest like film was included nanobranches (100-150 nm) as routs for electron transferring and separating of hole-electrons. Furthermore, nanobranches acted as cites for harvesting and multi-scattering of visible light. Therefore, special morphology can led to high photocatalytic efficiency.

Figure 1: (a) Homogenous and (b) Forest like BFO films

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titleVarious morphologies of BFO film by Electrophoretic deposition: photocatalytic degradation of phenolen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsBFO filmen
subject keywordsElectrophoretic depositionen
subject keywordsphotocatalytic degradationen
subject keywordsphenolen
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identifier articleid1075193

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