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contributor authorفاطمه سالارحسینیen
contributor authorنوید رمضانیانen
contributor authorظهیر شکوه سلجوقیen
contributor authorFatemeh Salar Hosseinifa
contributor authorNavid Ramezanianfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:29:39Z
date available2020-06-06T14:29:39Z
date copyright11/19/2018
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractThis study was conducted to develop novel chitosan nanocomposites and to investigate the antibacterial activity of chitosan/zeolite/silver nanoparticles composites for the aquaculture application. Novel chitosan/zeolite/silver nanoparticles composites were prepared via the method of solution blending. Streptococcus iniae bacteria was used to test antibacterial activity of the obtained chitosan/zeolite/silver nanoparticles composites by disc diffusion method. Finally, it was found that composite B, C and D exhibited good antibacterial activity and composite C had the highest antibacterial activity. The above analysis suggested that these composites could be used as potential candidates for the aquaculture hatcheries systems.en
titleSynthesis of chitosan/zeolite/silver nanoparticles composites and its antibacterial activity against aquatic bacteriaen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsaquaculture-antibacterial activities-chitosan-zeolite-silver nanoparticlesen
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identifier articleid1071695

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