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contributor authorغلامرضا محتشمی برزادرانen
contributor authorH. Alizadeh Noughabien
contributor authorGholam Reza Mohtashami Borzadaranfa
contributor authorH. Alizadeh Noughabifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:28:46Z
date available2020-06-06T14:28:46Z
date copyright2/28/2018
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractGoodness of fit (GOF) tests based on Shannon entropy was

started by Vasicek in 1791 and were continued by many authors.

Here, we describe different GOF tests constructed by authors from

the beginning to now. First, the problem of goodness of fit and

different types of GOF are stated. Then, the method of GOF tests

based on entropy is explained and all works proposed by authors in

this subject until 2112 are expressed.
titleA review on goodness of fit tests based on entropy (Prof. Arghami's contributions)en
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsGoodness of fit testsen
subject keywordsRanked Set Samplesen
subject keywordsCensored

subject keywordsResidual lifeen
subject keywordsFuzzy dataen
subject keywordsCumulative Residual Entropyen
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identifier articleid1069890

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