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contributor authorH. Miranmousavien
contributor authorغلامحسین ظهوریen
contributor authorM. nourmohammadien
contributor authorH. Miranmousavifa
contributor authorGholamhossein Zohurifa
contributor authorM. nourmohammadifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:28:36Z
date available2020-06-06T14:28:36Z
date copyright7/17/2018
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractNowadays recycle of thermoset polymers has attracted for reducing environmental pollution and preserving natural resources. The main purpose of this article is to investigate possible use of recycled commercial cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) waste foam. Structure of the foam was confirmed by using FTIR technique. The most XLPE structural polyethylene foams are closed cells. Their application is in certain cases, including automotive and building section because of these industries require low weight, high damping of sound and thermal insulting. Physically treated (using two type of milling) recycled of the waste foam obtained from the AKT plant product was examined. The recycled foam was added into the original formula of an insulating compound for 55 to 75 min time of mixing. Their effect was study in both laboratory (3.5 kg) and industrial (700 kg) scales. Addition of the XLPE waste foam up to 5 w% was not affected on the main characters of the final product in laboratory scale which determined.en
titleInvestigation of physically treated recycled cross-linked polyethylene waste foam for automotive insulatoren
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsrecycleen
subject keywordspolyethylene foamen
subject keywordscross-linked foamen
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identifier articleid1069460

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