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contributor authorمعصومه ابراهیمیen
contributor authorهانیه صدیقیen
contributor authorمهلا طالاریen
contributor authorمصطفی میرجلیلیen
contributor authormasomeh ebrahimifa
contributor authorhaniyeh seddighifa
contributor authormahla talarifa
contributor authorMostafa Mirjalilifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:28:34Z
date available2020-06-06T14:28:34Z
date copyright2/27/2018
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractThe aim of this research is to produce conductive Ag nanoparticles ink, which was in the sight of attention due to the proper conductivity, the ability to print on the flexible substrate, its low cost, also several usages in electronic industries. Ag nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction of silver nitrate by using ethanol at two different temperatures of 65 and 70 ˚C. Dispersed nanoparticles in ethanol and water solutions were then characterized. The prepared inks were analysed by means of the nanoparticles size analysis, DTA and XRD. Nanoparticle size examinations were performed as synthesized and 45 days after. The nanoparticles size results showed the nanoparticles dispersed in ethanol were smaller compared to those of water. Moreover, increasing in the synthesized temperature has caused the coarser nanoparticles. According to the obtained results, ethanol was more appropriate medium, as the synthesized ink was more stable. XRD and DTA results approved the presence of Ag nanoparticles dispersed in the ink.en
titleSynthesis of Nano Silver Containing Inks for Printable Electronic Circuits Applicationsen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordssilver nanoparticlesen
subject keywordssynthesisen
subject keywordsconductive inken
subject keywordsprintable circuiten
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identifier articleid1069401

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