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contributor authorویدا عادلی مسببen
contributor authorاحسان فضل ارثیen
contributor authorاحد هراتیen
contributor authorVida Adeli Mosabbebfa
contributor authorEhsan Fazl-Ersifa
contributor authorAhad Haratifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:28:27Z
date available2020-06-06T14:28:27Z
date copyright5/14/2018
date issued2018
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description abstractImages and videos have become ubiquitous in every aspects of life due to the growing digital recording devices. It has encouraged the development of algorithms that can analyze video content and perform human action recognition. This paper investigates the challenging problem of action recognition by outlining a new approach to represent a video sequence. A novel framework is developed to produce informative features for action labeling in a weakly-supervised learning (WSL) approach both during training and testing. Using appearance and motion information, the goal is to identify frame regions that are likely to contain actions. A three-stream convolutional neural network is adopted and improved by proposing a method based on extracting actionness regions. This results in less computation as it is processing only some parts of an RGB frame and also interpret less non-activity related regions, which can mislead the recognition system. We exploit UCF sports dataset as our evaluation benchmark, which is a dataset of realistic sports videos. We will show that our proposed approach could outperform other existing state-of-the art methods.en
titleEnhancing Human Action Recognition through Temporal Saliencyen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsAction recognitionen
subject keywordsMotionen
subject keywordsRegion proposalen
subject keywordsConvolutional Neural Networksen
subject keywordsActionnessen
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identifier articleid1069138

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