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contributor authorعلی اکبر حداد مشهد ریزهen
contributor authorAliakbar Haddad-Mashadrizehfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:24:10Z
date available2020-06-06T14:24:10Z
date copyright3/6/2016
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractAccurate prediction of the Cis-regulatory elements encoded within DNA sequences

throughout the genomes and in different regions of a gene is a crucial step towards

understanding the regulatory mechanism of the gene expression. Bearing in mind, the

complete sequences of the human coagulation factor VIII (hFVIII) gene were investigated to

identify and characterize promoteric like sequences (PLS) based on in-silico examination. In

this regard, the sequences of the hFVIII gene as well as protein sequence of the human RNA

polymerase II (RNAPII) retrieved from Genebank and PDB with accession number

AY769950 and 2F3I, respectively. Subsequently presence of any promoter areas throughout

the gene was investigated based on potential transcription start positions by linear

discriminant function combining characteristics describing functional motifs and

oligonucleotide composition of these sites using FPROM program and evaluated via Cluspro

and PatchDock programs and also visualized with Pymol software. Our analysis led to

revealed 43 regions, containing enhancer-like elements and promoter-like elements

throughout the hFVIII gene except in the introns 8, 11, 12, 16-20 in four groups including

really, intronic, exonic and pseudo promoters that are located in the 5'UTR, intronic regions,

exonic regions and 3'UTR, respectively with independent of the intron length. Moreover,

assessment the binding affinity of these regions to RNAPII showed suitable connection and

level of energy even less than really promoter in some case of intronic promoters. Altogether,

the data obtained in this study has provided further proofs for potentials of the intronic regions

for regulatory functions as well as promoteric regions with high affinity to RNAPII for

application as self-promoter in new vector designing. However, experimental analysis of the

detected regions to examine their potential regulatory functions on a reporter gene is the next

step to this work.
titleEvidences of the present of the promoter like elements into the non-coding regions of the human coagulation factor VIII geneen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordshFVIIIen
subject keywordsGene expressionen
subject keywordsCis-regulatory elementsen
subject keywordspromoteren
subject keywordsin-silico biologyen
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conference titleاولین همایش شیمی زیست فناوریfa
conference locationتهرانfa
identifier articleid1060734

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