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contributor authorM. H. Saiediraden
contributor authorA. Tabatabaeefaren
contributor authorA. Borgheien
contributor authorمیرمجتبی میرصالحیen
contributor authorF. Badiien
contributor authorM. Ghasemi Varnamkhastien
contributor authorMir Mojtaba Mirsalehifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:21:22Z
date available2020-06-06T14:21:22Z
date issued2008
identifier uri
description abstractForce and deformation curve of agricultural material must be provided for proper design of harvesting, processing machineries. In this research, fracture resistance of whole cumin seed was measured in terms of average compressive force, seed rupture force and energy absorbed. In this study 10 treatments were performed as randomized complete block design with 20 replications. Cumin seeds were quasi-statically loaded in horizontal and vertical orientations with moisture contents in three levels: 5.7%, 9.5%, and 15% seed size in three levels: small, medium, and large; loading rates in two levels: 2 and 5 mm/min; and two seed orientations: horizontal and vertical.en
titleEffects of moisture content, seed size, loading rate and seed rotation on force and energy required for fracturing cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum Linn) under quasi-static loadingen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordscumin seeden
subject keywordsCuminum cyminum Linnen
subject keywordsCumin seeden
subject keywordsquasi-static loadingen
subject keywordsmechanical propertiesen
subject keywordsrupture forceen
journal titleJournal of Food Engineeringen
journal titleJournal of Food Engineeringfa
journal volume86
journal issue4
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identifier articleid1014668

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