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contributor authorعلی اصغر بهشتیen
contributor authorAliasghar Beheshtifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:20:07Z
date available2020-06-06T14:20:07Z
date copyright5/5/2015
date issued2015
identifier uri
description abstractDespite of numerous empirical formulas have been presented to estimate equilibrium scour depth around complex bridge piers, there may no general formula that satisfies all conditions. It may happened because, existing equation are based on dimensional analysis and data correlation of laboratory experiments which do not always produce reasonable results for field conditions. Hence, they mostly give conservative results. This study assembled 750 laboratory data around complex bridge pier. In addition, the accuracy of recent commonly methods for local scour depth estimation around complex bridge pier were evaluated.en
titleLocal Scour Depth Estimation around Complex Bridge Pieren
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsComplex bridge piersen
subject keywordsLocal scouren
subject keywordsEmpirical formulaen
subject keywordsLaboratory dataen
subject keywordsScour depth estimationen
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conference title10th International Congress on Civil Engineeringen
conference locationتبریزfa
identifier articleid1053695

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