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contributor authorحسین اکبریen
contributor authorحسین فیض آبادیen
contributor authorHossein Akbarifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:17:10Z
date available2020-06-06T14:17:10Z
date copyright12/11/2014
date issued2014
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description abstractThe present study investigated the role of cooperatives in reproduction of social capital in society and seeks recognition of the status and amount of social capital and reproduction of social capital among the members of cooperatives. For this purpose, social capital status was investigated with survey method among 340 members of cooperatives in Bojnourd city before and after membership in the cooperative. In this study, using Spellerberg measurement framework for measurement of social capital. The Cronbach's alpha of this theoretical structure before membership is 0.91 and after membership is 0.91.

Based on research findings important components of social capital in the measurement model before the membership are beliefs about self, social relations and community interest and after the membership are social relations, neighborhood relations, and beliefs about self. Results showed that after the membership in the cooperative, all aspects of social capital have increased such that the social capital of total respondents has increased 21.2 percent. Also, 90.6 percent of respondents after the memberships have faced increase in their social capital.

Factors affecting social capital showed that in the final model, education, position in the cooperative, previous membership in the cooperatives, the number of hours in training and adherence to the principles of cooperation have significant relationship with social capital. Factors affecting the reproduction of social capital in the final model are education, history of cooperative membership and adherence to the principles of cooperation.
titleThe role of cooperatives and the application of the principles of cooperation in the reproduction of social capitalen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordscooperativesen
subject keywordssocial capitalen
subject keywordsreproductionen
subject keywordsmembershipen
subject keywordsstructure and factorsen
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conference titleThe International Conference on Economic, Accounting, Management and Social Scienceen
conference locationSzczecinfa
identifier articleid1046131

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