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contributor authorSetareh Ghasemien
contributor authorAmin Bigham-Sadeghen
contributor authorIraj Karimien
contributor authorپژمان میرشکرائیen
contributor authorAhmad Yousefien
contributor authorNazari Hasanen
contributor authorpezhman Mirshokraeifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:16:56Z
date available2020-06-06T14:16:56Z
date copyright10/21/2014
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractObjective-Tendons are highly subjected to injury.

Fibroblast is one of the cells used in tendon healing;

however, there’s no proved and reported result in regard

to their use in tendon healing. In addition, there are some

studies done on the effect of magnetic fields on tendon

healing but the results are antithesis. The aim of this

study is to evaluate the effect of simultaneous application

of fibroblast and magnetic field on tendon healing in

rabbit model.

Design- Experimental study

Animals- Nine healthy, adult New Zealand White rabbits

Procedures- Both legs of rabbits were divided into 6

groups named empty, magnet, culture substance, culture

substance-magnet, fibroblast, and fibroblast-magnet.

After skin incision, superficial flexor tendon was exposed

and cut transversely and then sutured with nylon 2/0

suture and Bunnel-Mayer stitch pattern. In three rabbits,

0.5 cc culture substance and in three others, 0.5 cc culture

substance and fibroblast were injected in the incision

area. Then all injuries were dressed up and in all rabbits,

a piece of magnet was placed in the surrounding bandage

of left leg for 7 days. After 3 months, rabbits were

euthanized, tendons were extracted and biomechanical

tests and histopathological tests were performed.

Results- Only one of the biomechanical features

(Ultimate Strength) showed a statistically significant

difference (P<0.05) which in fibroblast-magnet group

was better than other groups. Also, in histopathological

evaluation fibroblast-magnet group showed better result

in comparison with others.

Conclusion and Clinical Relevance- In conclusion,

simultaneous use of fibroblast cells and magnetic field

has a positive effect on tendon healing,
titleTendon Injury Healing with Fibroblast and Static Magnetic Field in Rabbit Model: Biomechanical and Histopathological Evaluationen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsTendon healingen
subject keywordsBiomechanicsen
subject keywordsFibroblasten
subject keywordsStatic magneten
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conference title4th international symposium of veterinary surgery (ISVS2014en
conference locationمشهدfa
identifier articleid1045773

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