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contributor authorسهیل یوسفیen
contributor authorمجتبی طهمورث پورen
contributor authorمحمدهادی سخاوتیen
contributor authorطوبی عباسی دلوئیen
contributor authorعلی اکبر خبیریen
contributor authorSoheil Yousefifa
contributor authorMojtaba Tahmoorespurfa
contributor authorMohammad Hadi Sekhavatifa
contributor authorTooba Abbassi Daloiifa
contributor authorAliakbar Khabirifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:14:56Z
date available2020-06-06T14:14:56Z
date copyright5/20/2014
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractTuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that usually infects the lungs, but can attack almost any part of the body. Du to

serious medical consequences of this disease various efforts have been made to prevent the infection through the use of

recombinant vaccines based on) Tuberculosis antigens. The objective of this study was to obtain the bioinformatics

characteristics of Dnak antigen. Up to this, online prediction software applications were used such as: T-cells epitopes

prediction, secondary and 3D structures and antigenicity ability. Bioinformatics analysis identified T-cell epitopes locations

at 232-257 sand 363-373 amino acid. Bioinformatics analysis showed that this region had proper epitope characterization

and so it seems to be useful for developing of vaccine based epitope design
titleBioinformatic analysis of Tuberculosis Dnak proteinen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsTuberculosisen
subject keywordsDnaken
subject keywordsepitope predictionen
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conference titleپنجمین همایش بیوانفورماتیک ایرانfa
conference locationتهرانfa
identifier articleid1042449

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