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contributor authorFatemeh Hakimifaren
contributor authorسیدامین حسینی سنوen
contributor authorMohamed Shenifyen
contributor authorRahmat Budiartoen
contributor authorSeyed Amin Hosseini Senofa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:14:53Z
date available2020-06-06T14:14:53Z
date copyright8/20/2014
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractAbstract— Clustering algorithm used in CBRP is a variation of simple lowest-ID clustering algorithm in which the node with a lowest ID among its neighbors is elected as the Cluster-head. Neglecting mobility and energy for selecting cluster-head is one of the weakness points of this protocol. In this paper the cluster formation algorithm is introduced, that uses the relative mobility metric, the residual energy and connectivity degree. After forming the cluster, whenever the cluster-head's energy is less than the aggregate energy of its member nodes, it remains as the cluster-head. Using NS-2 we evaluate rate of cluster-head changes, normalization routing overhead and packet delivery ratio. Comparisons denote that the proposed CBRP has better performances with respect to the original CBRP and Cross-CBRP.en
titleAn Efficient Cluster-based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networksen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsKeywords— Mobile Ad Hoc Networksen
subject keywordsCBRPen
subject keywordscluster formation algorithmen
subject keywordsroutingen
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conference titleInternatinal Conferenc on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatic (EE-SCI 2014)en
conference locationYogyakarta, Indonesiafa
identifier articleid1042367

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