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contributor authorفاطمه رحمن عیسیen
contributor authorعباس قائمی بافقیen
contributor authorحسن شاکریen
contributor authorFatima Rahman Esafa
contributor authorAbbas Ghaemi Bafghifa
contributor authorHassan Shakerifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:13:30Z
date available2020-06-06T14:13:30Z
date copyright10/18/2012
date issued2012
identifier uri
description abstractTrust is a concept taken from social sciences and is

considered as a soft security approach that is effective in

reducing risk. In this paper, for estimating the trust between

unknown nodes, a group-based trust propagation method has

been proposed. Most of the conventional trust propagation

methods are not applicable for trust evaluation of today\\'s large

trust graphs. Our trust propagation method is scalable because

of using grouping method. For better trust estimation inside

group the confidence of trust value have been considered. We

also consider two factors Intermediate Group Confidence

(IGC) and Group Confidence (GC) for confidence of trust

between two groups. To evaluate this method a real large data

set of is used. Evaluation of accuracy is based on

correlation and mean absolute error(MAE). Comparing the

proposed method with the Iterative Multiplication method

(IMS) results suggests that the correlation and absolute mean

error have been improved. In addition, due to the use of groupbased

method the speed of the proposed method has been

titleA Group-Based Trust Propagation Methoden
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordstrust managementen
subject keywordstrust propagationen
subject keywordsgroupbaseden
subject keywords

trust evaluation
subject keywordscorrelationen
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conference title2012 2nd International eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineeringen
conference locationمشهدfa
identifier articleid1040056

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