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contributor authorمهدی فیضیen
contributor authorMehdi Feizifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:13:23Z
date available2020-06-06T14:13:23Z
date copyright6/5/2011
date issued2011
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description abstractUsing an experiment, we study the effects of leniency programs on cartel deterrence, stability, duration and price behavior, when the antitrust authority has the possibility to decide upon the probability of investigation and offers only partial immunity from sanctions to a whistle-blower. For a repeated Bertrand pricing game, we find that the introduction of a leniency program causes fewer cartels to form, though cooperation in these cartels is more successful in charging prices above the static Nash equilibrium price and they can have a longer duration. Our results are, in general, in line with those experimental papers that have leniency programs with full immunity.en
titleAntitrust Auditing, Commitment and Leniency Program: A Laboratory Evidenceen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsAntitrusten
subject keywordsLeniencyen
subject keywordsCartelsen
subject keywordsExperimenten
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conference titlethe 2nd Workshop on the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Competition Lawen
conference locationMunichfa
identifier articleid1039921

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