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contributor authorحامد فهریen
contributor authorحسین خوش بین قماشen
contributor authorhamed fehrifa
contributor authorHossein Khoshbin Ghomashfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:09:42Z
date available2020-06-06T14:09:42Z
date copyright11/6/2012
date issued2012
identifier uri
description abstractWe consider the inter-cluster cognitive behavior of two

dissimilar interfering clusters, where the first cluster (i.e. primary

cluster) consists of a broadcast channel (BC) which has a single

sender and two receivers and the second cluster (i.e. cognitive

cluster) is a single multiple access channel (MAC) with two senders

and one receiver. The MAC is assumed to have cognitive

transmitters, who know the message transmitted by the other noncognitive

broadcast transmitter, in a non-causal manner. A

Gel’fand-Pinsker coding-like technique is used to mitigate intercluster

interference. First, an achievable rate region for this model

is derived based on the Marton with common message region for

the general BC and using a result of Slepian-Wolf rate region for

the MAC. Then by using the rate region of the second cluster, we

obtain the achievable rate region for the two-user MAC with

common message and common side information known noncausally

at the transmitters and show that the obtained achievable

rate region is optimal when common side information is known at

the receiver as well.
titleAn Achievable Rate Region for Interfering Broadcast Channel and Multiple Access Channel with Cognitive Transmittersen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsAchievable rate regionen
subject keywordsbroadcast channelen
subject keywordscognitive

radio channel
subject keywordsmultiple access channelen
subject keywordsGel’fand–Pinsker codingen
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conference title2012 (Sixth International Symposium on Telecommunications with Emphasis on Information & Communicatio (IST201en
conference locationتهرانfa
identifier articleid1033991

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