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contributor authorهادی عربشاهیen
contributor authorHadi Arabshahifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:08:33Z
date available2020-06-06T14:08:33Z
date issued2009
identifier uri
description abstractThe results of thermoelectric power and electron drift mobility in Al xGa1−xN lattice-matched to GaN are

calculated for different temperatures, free-electron concentrations and compositions. The two-mode nature

of the polar optic phonons is considered jointly with deformation potential acoustic, piezoelectric, alloy and

ionized-impurity scattering. Band non-parabolicity, admixture of p functions, arbitrary degeneracy of the

electron distribution and the screening effects of free carriers on the scattering probabilities are incorporated.

The Boltzmann equation is solved by an iterative technique using the currently established values of the

material parameters. The iterative results are in fair agreement with other recent calculations obtained using

the relaxation-time approximation and experimental methods.
titleThermoelectric power and low-field electron mobility in AlxGa1−xN lattice-matched to GaNen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsThermoelectric poweren
subject keywordsoptical phononen
subject keywordspiezoelectricen
subject keywordsnon-parabolicityen
subject keywordsrelaxation-timeen
journal titleTurkish Journal of Physicsfa
journal volume33
journal issue3
identifier link
identifier articleid1012410

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