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contributor authorنجمه سلطانیen
contributor authorاحمد کمپانیen
contributor authorمحمد حسینیen
contributor authorAhmad Kompanyfa
contributor authorMohammad Hosseinifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:07:52Z
date available2020-06-06T14:07:52Z
date issued2009
identifier uri
description abstractWe report nanoscale ab-initio calculations of the linear optical and electronic properties of LaCrO3 in nonmagnetic cubic and rhombohedral phases using the full potential linear augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. In this work the generalized gradient approximation is used for exchange-correlation potential. The dielectric tensor is derived within random-phase approximation. We present results for the band structure, density of states, imaginary and real parts of dielectric tensor, electron energy loss spectroscopy, sum rules, reflectivity, refractive index and extinction coefficient. The regions of transparent, absorption and reflection are discussed. We are not aware of any published experimental or theoretical data for these phases, so our calculations can be used to cover this lack of data for these phases.en
titleNanoscale ab-initio calculations of optical and electronic properties of LaCrO3 in cubic and rhombohedral phasesen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsLaCrO3en
subject keywordsAb initio calculationsen
subject keywordsDensity functional theoryen
subject keywordsElectronic structureen
subject keywordsOptical propertiesen
journal titlePhysica B: Condensed Matterfa
journal volume404
journal issue21
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identifier articleid1012247

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