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contributor authorسید علی رضوی پاریزیen
contributor authorمحمدحسن نشاطیen
contributor authorSeyed Ali Razavi Parizifa
contributor authorMohammad Hassan Neshatifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:05:59Z
date available2020-06-06T14:05:59Z
date copyright5/15/2012
date issued2012
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description abstractIn this paper, half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) technique is introduced to realize a single fed low profile circular polarized cavity backed antenna for the first time. The proposed antenna is compact and is light in weight. Other advantages of this antenna are including low fabrication cost and easy integration with planar circuits. It can be easily fabricated using only a single layer of printed circuit board (PCB). The proposed antenna successfully designed, fabricated and tested. Measured results are in a very good agreement with those obtained by numerical investigation. The obtained results show that the proposed antenna has also the advantages of conventional cavity backed antennas including high gain and high front to back ratio.en
titleA Low Profile Circularly Polarized Cavity Backed Antenna Using HMSIW Techniqueen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsCircular polarizationen
subject keywordsSingle feeden
subject keywordsHalf mode substrate integrated waveguideen
subject keywordsCavity backed antennaen
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conference title20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012en
conference locationTehranfa
identifier articleid1028040

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