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contributor authorضرغام قبانچیen
contributor authorZargham Ghabanchifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:01:20Z
date available2020-06-06T14:01:20Z
date copyright7/25/2010
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractEmotional Intelligence and listening awareness

Listening plays a life-long role in the processes of learning and communication (Wilt 1950). To find the listening awareness elements which works with personal faculties, a study was carried out. The study attempts to investigate whether there is a relationship between Emotional Intelligence and listening comprehension ability. To achieve this, a question and an assumption are postulated: Is there any relationship between Emotional Intelligence & listening awareness? And the assumptions is: Emotional Intelligence contribute in the development of listening comprehension.

The subjects of the study are fifty undergraduate English BA students, studying at Tabaran University, Mashad, Iran. The procedure consists of two steps followed by statistical analysis. In the first step Bar-On measurement test which included 90 items was administered. The list include: Intrapersonal (comprising self-Regard, Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, and Self-Actualization); and Interpersonal (comprising Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Interpersonal Relationship) items. The major aim was to raise the learners\\' awareness about the nature and communicative potential of Emotional intelligence, by making the learners conscious of strategies already in their repertoire, sensitizing them to the appropriate situations where could be useful, and making them realize the advantages of Emotional Intelligence. The second step comprises listening comprehension tests. The listening comprehension section consisted of three parts with a total ten questions each. Every thing was recorded and controlled carefully. Then Pearson correlation coefficient and other statistical analysis were carried out.

The result shows that there is statistically significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and listening comprehension. It reveals that learners with high EQ are better in listening comprehension.

KEY WORDS: Emotional Intelligence, listening awareness, EQ, self-Regard, Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, and Self-Actualization

Z. Ghabanchi

English Department

Faculty of Letter

Sabzevar Teacher Training University, Iran
titleEmotional Intelligence and listening awarenessen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsKEY WORDS: Emotional Intelligenceen
subject keywordslistening awarenessen
subject keywordsEQen
subject keywordsself-Regarden
subject keywordsEmotional Self-Awarenessen
subject keywordsAssertivenessen
subject keywordsIndependenceen
subject keywordsand Self-Actualizationen
identifier link
conference title10th International Conference of the Association for Language Awarnessen
conference locationKasselfa
identifier articleid1021123

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