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contributor authorمطهره طورچی رودسریen
contributor authorاحمدرضا بهرامیen
contributor authorحسام دهقانیen
contributor authorIranshahi Mehrdaden
contributor authormotahareh tourchifa
contributor authorAhmad Reza Bahramifa
contributor authorHesam Dehghanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T14:01:04Z
date available2020-06-06T14:01:04Z
date copyright12/20/2010
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractTransitional cell carcinomas (TCC), which make up 90% of all bladder cancers,

arise from the transitional epithelium of the bladder. Even though several drugs have been proven to

be highly effective chemotherapeutic agents for treating bladder carcinoma, TCC cells show

resistance to a wide range of synthetic and natural drugs. Therefore, enormous researches have been

directed towards finding anticancer agents against TCCs. In present study, dechloromethane extract

of Peteridium aquilinum was evaluated for its possible chromatin condensation and DNA damage

inducing effects on TCC cells.

RESULTS: The plant P. aquilinum was collected from Gilan province and its dichloromethane

extract was prepared. To study its possible DNA damage inducing effects, the TCC cells were

treated the extract for 24 hours and then examined for induction of chromatin condensation by

DAPI staining. These cells were also looked for DNA damage using alkaline single cell gel

electrophoresis approach (comet assay). Results obtained from DAPI staining shows that in

comparison with the control (DMSO treated) and untreated cells, dichloromethane extract of P.

aquilinum increased the chromatin condensation of the cells by 33%. Furthermore, results of comet

assay, which is a sensitive microscopy-based method for detection of a variety of DNA lesions,

revealed that the IC50 of the extract increased DNA damage by 41 %.

CONCLUSION: The ability of P. aquilinum to induce chromatin condensation and DNA damage on

TCC cells would make this plant a good candidate to be introduced as a potential natural source in

cancer studies.
titleInvestigating the chromatin condensation and DNA damage induced by the Pteridium aquilinum extract on bladder carcinoma cellsen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordschromatin condensationen
subject keywordsDNA damageen
subject keywordsPteridium aquilinumen
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conference titleسمپوزیوم سرطان از دیدگاه مولکولیfa
conference locationمشهدfa
identifier articleid1020787

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