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contributor authorمرتضی کیمیاقلمen
contributor authorمحمد پسندیده فردen
contributor authorMorteza Kimiaghalamfa
contributor authorMohammad Passandideh-Fardfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:59:50Z
date available2020-06-06T13:59:50Z
date copyright7/12/2010
date issued2010
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description abstractWe studied numerically impingement of vertical liquid jets of moderate Reynolds number for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids to clarify the structure formation of circular hydraulic jump and the phenomenon of jet buckling. First, we have studied the hydraulic jump characteristics and governing parameters for a laminar water jet. Moreover, different types of hydraulic jump have been investigated by varying the height of a circular wall around the bed in flow downstream. The results show that a circular hydraulic jump has two kinds of steady states which can be reached by changing wall height. Next, we studied the impingement of a non-Newtonian liquid jet on a solid surface. In this case, we observe that instead of having a significant hydraulic jump, jet buckling phenomenon happens. The results were used in order to achieve a better understanding of the jet buckling phenomenon and the conditions in which this phenomenon happens.en
titleA Numerical Study on Flow Characteristics of 2D Vertical Liquid Jet Striking a Horizontal Surfaceen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordscircular hydraulic jump - jet impingementen
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conference title10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2010en
identifier articleid1018996

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