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contributor authorS. A. Faroujien
contributor authorE. Bakhshizadehen
contributor authorR. Kazemzadehen
contributor authorرضا قاضیen
contributor authorReza Ghazifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:59:30Z
date available2020-06-06T13:59:30Z
date copyright11/10/2009
date issued2009
identifier uri
description abstractVarious methods for load balancing and power factor correction in three-wire and four-wire networks have been presented so far. In this paper, a new formulation has been developed such that the admittance of the compensator can be calculated to balance any loads irrespective of their nature (being resistive or reactive) and to obtain the requested power factor. During the process of power factor correction, the current is always balanced and therefore in addition to the reduction of power wasting, it is possible to operate with optimum power factor. In the developed equations the parameters of the compensator are presented in terms of both the load admittance and instantaneous voltage and current values. The extended equations are general and can be applied to any load in three or four-wire distribution systems. Simulation results show the validity of the developed formulation.en
titleThe static VAr compensator equations development for load balancing at desired power factor based on load admittance parameters and instantaneous voltage and current valuesen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsdistribution networksen
subject keywordspower factor correctionen
subject keywordsstatic VAr compensatorsen
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conference titleInternational Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systemsen
conference locationشارجهfa
identifier articleid1018499

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