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contributor authorمرتضی رجب زاده اوغازen
contributor authorحسین خوش بین قماشen
contributor authorMorteza Rajabzadehfa
contributor authorHossein Khoshbin Ghomashfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:59:11Z
date available2020-06-06T13:59:11Z
date copyright9/26/2010
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractMultiuser interference (MUI) and co-space

interference (CSI) are two challenging issues in design of

multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) systems

when multiple antennas are used at both the transmitter and

receiver sides (MIMO transmission). On the other hand, in

cognitive radio (CR) system, the secondary users that use MCMCDA

technique must deactivate the subcarriers used by the

primary users. This leads to loss of orthogonality of the

conventional spreading codes such as Hadamard Walsh codes. In

this paper, we have modified two recently proposed linear

receivers to be deployed in MIMO MC-CDMA based CR

downlink transmission where some of the subcarriers are turned

off. To solve the resultant non-orthogonality problem, the

complex carrier interferometry (CI) codes are utilized that exist

for any length. The first method, called total interference

cancellation (CI-TIC), is able to completely eliminate the CSI and

the MUI. The other method is called CI symbol-chip level

minimum mean square error (CI-SC-MMSE) that shows

superior bit error performance with respect to CI-TIC. For

different scenarios, simulation results show that the proposed CI

based receivers are able to effectively mitigate the MUI and the

CSI in comparison with the case where Hadamard Walsh codes

are utilized.
titleReceiver Design for Downlink MIMO MC-CDMA in Cognitive Radio Systemsen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordscognitive radioen
subject keywordsdownlink MC-CDMAen
subject keywords

subject keywordsSVDen
subject keywordsspace-frequency spreadingen
subject keywordsMMSEen
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conference title21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications-PIMRC 2010en
conference locationاستانبولfa
identifier articleid1018083

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