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contributor authorبهرامعلی قنبری هاشم آبادیen
contributor authorBhram ali Ghanbary Hashemabadyfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:57:15Z
date available2020-06-06T13:57:15Z
date copyright4/21/2010
date issued2010
identifier uri
description abstractThe aim of this study was to study effectiveness methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) and change behavior and scale-down Risky behaviors in self-report addicts to Mashhad welfare organization. Research method was semi-experimental, in case of pre/post test. Subject were 375 people in range of age (16-63) years old with available sampling method, were selected before starting MMT, (MAP) Maudsley addiction profile questionnaire are represented. Then, the samples during the 6 months collected methadone and after and end treatment, above questionnaire again completed by samples.Data after collection, evaluated using by correlation T-test the results indicated, MMT addicts cause be scale-down Risky behaviors and physical health and promote social-personal self-report addicts performance.en
titleAnalyzing Maintenance Therapy (MMT) on change of behavior (Drug dependence) and scale-down Risky behavior in self-report addicts to welfare centersen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsMMTen
subject keywords(Drug Dependence)en
subject keywordsRisky Behaviors (AIDSen
subject keywordsHepatitis)en
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conference titleworld conferance on psychology T counseling and guidance majesty mirage park resort hotelen
conference locationآنتالیاfa
identifier articleid1015354

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