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contributor authorهادی صدوقی یزدیen
contributor authorHadi Sadoghi Yazdifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:53:25Z
date available2020-06-06T13:53:25Z
date copyright8/7/2007
date issued2007
identifier uri
description abstractAbstract: Each three-component collection such as {Red, Green, Blue} (RGB), and {Luminance Y,

Chrominance Cr, Chrominance Cb} (YCbCr) is termed as a color space. Many color spaces are related to each

other by linear transformations that are captured by 3×3 matrices. Hence a given color, and thereby any color

image, can be represented in terms of another color space by transforming its 3-d vector representation using the 3

× 3 matrix. The Main target of this paper is introduce new color transform from viewpoint of convex constraint

programming. Skin detection is used as benchmark problem for the proposed algorithm. In the New color space,

the skin and non-skin classes are separated as well. This problem is converted to a convex constraint programming

which Lagrange multipliers method is used for solving this problem. Founded converting matrix is tested in skin

detection in simple to complex scene. Obtained results over many databases are compared with existing methods

which show superiority of the proposed method. Skin and non-skin clusters in the new space color have clustering

criteria better than RGB and YCbCr color space.
titleCreating New Color Space Using Convex Constraint Programming Applied to Skin Color Detectionen
typeConference Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsKeywords: Color spaceen
subject keywordsConvex constraint programmingen
subject keywordsSkin detectionen
subject keywordsClustering criteriaen
subject keywordsLagrange

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conference titleFirst Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran 29-31 Aug 2007en
identifier articleid1010179

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