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contributor authorحسین نعیمی پوریونسیen
contributor authorمحمد مهدی شریعتیen
contributor authorسعید زره دارانen
contributor authorمهدی جباری نوقابیen
contributor authorPeter Lovendahlen
contributor authorHossein Naeemipourfa
contributor authorMohammad Mahdi Shariatifa
contributor authorSaeed Zerehdaranfa
contributor authorMehdi Jabbari Nooghabifa
contributor authorPeter Lovendahlfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:44:19Z
date available2020-06-06T13:44:19Z
date issued2019
identifier uri
description abstractThe main objective of this study was to compare the performance of different ‘nonlinear
quantile regression’ models evaluated at the τth quantile -0·25, 0·50, and 0·75- of milk production
traits and somatic cell score -SCS- in Iranian Holstein dairy cows. Data were collected by
the Animal Breeding Center of Iran from 1991 to 2011, comprising 101 051 monthly milk
production traits and SCS records of 13 977 cows in 183 herds. Incomplete gamma
-Wood-, exponential -Wilmink-, Dijkstra and polynomial -Ali & Schaeffer- functions were
implemented in the quantile regression. Residual mean square, Akaike information criterion
and log-likelihood from different models and quantiles indicated that in the same quantile,
the best models were Wilmink for milk yield, Dijkstra for fat percentage and Ali &
Schaeffer for protein percentage. Over all models the best model fit occurred at quantile
0·50 for milk yield, fat and protein percentage, whereas, for SCS the 0·25th quantile was
best. The best model to describe SCS was Dijkstra at quantiles 0·25 and 0·50, and Ali &
Schaeffer at quantile 0·75. Wood function had the worst performance amongst all traits.
Quantile regression is specifically appropriate for SCS which has a mixed multimodal
titleUsing quantile regression for fitting lactation curve in dairy cowsen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsquantile regressionen
identifier doi10.1017/S0022029919000013
journal titleJournal of Dairy Researchen
journal titleJournal of Dairy Researchfa
journal volume86
journal issue1
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identifier articleid1073130

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