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contributor authorShahrzad Havakhahen
contributor authorMojtaba Sankianen
contributor authorGholam Hosein Kazemzadehen
contributor authorKeyvan Sadrien
contributor authorReza Bidkhorien
contributor authorHojjat Naderi-Meshkinen
contributor authorAlireza Ebrahimzadeh Bideskanen
contributor authorSaeed Niazmanden
contributor authorاحمدرضا بهرامیen
contributor authorAbolfazl Khajavi Raden
contributor authorShahrzad Havakhahfa
contributor authorMojtaba Sankianfa
contributor authorGholam Hosein Kazemzadehfa
contributor authorKeyvan Sadrifa
contributor authorReza Bidkhorifa
contributor authorHojjat Naderi-Meshkinfa
contributor authorAlireza Ebrahimzadeh Bideskanfa
contributor authorSaeed Niazmandfa
contributor authorAhmad Reza Bahramifa
contributor authorAbolfazl Khajavi Radfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:43:33Z
date available2020-06-06T13:43:33Z
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractObjective(s): : Renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) as a severe condition of acute kidney injury

(AKI) is the most common clinical problem with high mortality rates of 35-60% deaths in hospital.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) due to unique regenerative characteristics are ideal candidates for the

treatment of the ischemic injuries. This work is focused on the administration of MSC to IRI-induced

AKI Wistar rats and evaluating their significance in AKI treatment.

Material and Methods: Animals underwent surgical procedure and AKI was induced by 40 min

bilateral renal pedicle clamping. Immediately after reperfusion, 2×106 rat bone marrow derived MSCs

were injected via intra-parenchymal or intra-aortic route.

Results: Animals subjected to AKI after days 1 and 3 showed significant increase in the serum creatinine

and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration along with a declined glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

when compared with non-ischemic animals. On the other hand, treated animals showed a significant

enhanced regeneration as compared to ischemic animals in both administration route groups.

Conclusion: According to the results concluded from the renoprotective effects of MSC in IRI/AKI,

MSCs could be considered as promising therapeutic approach for AKI in clinical applications.
titleIn vivo effects of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in a rat model of acute ischemic kidney injuryen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsAcute kidney injuryen
subject keywordsAcute renal failureen
subject keywordsBone marrow-deriveden
subject keywordsesenchymal stem cellen
subject keywordsCell transplantation

Ischemic kidney injury
identifier doi10.22038/ijbms.2018.26829.6566
journal titleIranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciencesen
journal titleIranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciencesfa
journal volume21
journal issue8
identifier link
identifier articleid1072185

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