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contributor authorاحسان داوری نژادen
contributor authorعلی تهرانی فرen
contributor authorزینب غیور کریمیانیen
contributor authorغلامحسین داوری نژادen
contributor authorEhsan Davarynejadfa
contributor authorAli Tehranifarfa
contributor authorzainab ghayoorfa
contributor authorGholam Hossein Davarynejadfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:42:55Z
date available2020-06-06T13:42:55Z
date issued2008
identifier uri
description abstractAbstract

The horticultural product marketability is strongly affected by quality loss

during the post-harvest chain. Production of floricultural plants in greenhouses is

possible by controlling several growth conditions such as air temperature, air

humidity, light intensity and quality, plant density and nutrition. According to the

growth strategy many combinations of these conditions are possible. The initial state

at the harvest time depends on pre-harvest condition. The aim of the present study

was the measurement of the effects of different pre-harvest conditions on postharvest

behavior of cut gerbera. Two cultivars of gerbera were grown at different

air temperatures (20, 24 and 28°C) with two light regimes (natural and

supplementary lighting) and then subjected to same post-harvest condition. Vase life

and bending incidence of cut scapes of two gerbera cultivars “Red explosion” and

“Fiction” were determined during storage at 25°C. We observed that low and high

air temperature negatively affected keeping quality. In addition, supplementary

lighting during stem elongation may intensify this trend in some treatments.
titleEffect of Different Pre-harvest Conditions on the Post-harvest Keepingen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsGerbera hybridaen
subject keywordsvase lifeen
subject keywordstemperatureen
subject keywordslight conditionen
journal titleActa Horticulturaeen
journal titleActa Horticulturaefa
journal volume804
journal issue0
identifier link
identifier articleid1007628

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