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contributor authorآزاده عطاریen
contributor authorبهرامعلی قنبری هاشم آبادیen
contributor authorعلی مشهدیen
contributor authorحسین کارشکیen
contributor authorAzadeh Attarifa
contributor authorBhram ali Ghanbary Hashemabadyfa
contributor authorAli Mashhadifa
contributor authorHossein Kareshkifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:42:12Z
date available2020-06-06T13:42:12Z
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractObjective: Our study aims to examine the mediating role of prosocial moral reasoning, emotion regulation, and emotion lability in the relation between temperamental characteristics and prosocial behaviour.

Methods: In a cross-sectional study, a sample of 202 students were recruited through random multistage sampling method. The participants were interviewed about their prosocial moral reasoning. Their mothers also completed questionnaires on temperament, emotion regulation, and prosocial tendencies.

Results: Path analysis indicates that model is fit to data (χ2/9=13.97, CFI =0.92, RMSEA =0.06, SRMR =0.05). Emotion regulation partially mediates the relation between effortful control and altruistic behaviour. In addition, emotion lability mediates the relation between negative affectivity and altruistic behaviour.

Conclusion: Our findings show that emotion regulation and emotion lability have stronger determinant role in mediating the relation between temperamental characteristics and prosocial behaviours than prosocial moral reasoning. Our results have implications on the heterogeneity of prosocial behaviours
titleTemperamental Characteristics and Prosocial Behaviour Among Iranian Early Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Prosocial Moral Reasoning, Emotion Regulation, and Emotion Labilityen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsTemperamental characteristicsen
subject keywordsEmotion regulationen
subject keywordsEmotion labilityen
subject keywordsMoral reasoningen
subject keywordsProsocial behaviouren
journal titleJournal of Practice in Clinical Psychologyfa
journal volume6
journal issue4
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identifier articleid1070610

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