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contributor authorسید نادر نبویen
contributor authorعلیرضا اکبرزاده توتونچیen
contributor authorJ. Enferadien
contributor authorNader Nabavifa
contributor authorAlireza Akbarzadeh Tootoonchifa
contributor authorJ. Enferadifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:41:27Z
date available2020-06-06T13:41:27Z
date issued2018
identifier uri
description abstractThe 6-UPS parallel manipulator known as Stewart

platform is the most common type of 6-DOF parallel

robots. Most industrial applications such as the motion

simulators and applications requiring high load and high

workspace use this structure. However, the 6-UPS has its

disadvantages as the actuated joint is located in the second

place in the kinematic chain. The 6-PUS is another 6-DOF

structure and when compared with the 6-UPS, offers several

advantages by allowing to mount the heavy and the

vibration inducing actuated prismatic joint on the ground.

This offers the added benefit of transferring the majority

of the payload to the ground, resulting in lowering of

the overall costs. The question is: Can we find a 6-PUS

architecture that meets or exceeds the prescribed workspace

while meeting the same kinematics footprint requirement

of a given 6-UPS? In the present paper, a recently constructed

6-UPS mechanism for a metro station is selected

and using an optimization method based on a genetic algorithm

(GA), a 6-PUS mechanism that meets or exceeds the

required workspace is identified. To do this, first, the various architectures of the 6-PUS parallel robot are presented.

The inverse kinematics solution for a general 6-PUS architecture

is obtained. To fully define the architecture, three

additional kinematics parameters are selected and employed

to define the cost function used for the optimization. The

cost function acts as a penalizing mechanism which ignores

unwanted architectures of the 6-PUS. Finally, a new concept

for 6-DOF workspace visualization representation, called

workspace spheres, is presented. The new concept aids the

user by offering quantitatively data and visualization tool

for simultaneous description of rotational and translational

titleA Study on Kinematics and Workspace Determination of a General 6-PUS Roboten
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsWorkspace determination · Parallel

manipulator · Optimization · Workspace representation ·

General 6-PUS
journal titleJournal of Intelligent and Robotic Systemsfa
journal volume91
journal issue3
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identifier articleid1069809

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