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contributor authorابراهیم خدادادیen
contributor authorمژگان اشرف برجیen
contributor authorEbrahim Khodadadyfa
contributor authorMozhgan Ashraf borjifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:38:40Z
date available2020-06-06T13:38:40Z
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractThis study aimed to 1) explore the social capitals of students who had registered in the three

branches of Khorasan Language Institute (KLI) to learn English, 2) establish their factorial validity and 3)

explore their relationship with English language achievement. To this end the 40-item Social Capital Scale

(SCS) developed by Khodadady and Alaee (2012) and validated with grade three senior high school students in Mashhad was modified and administered to 493 female English language learners (ELLs) in the KLI. The application of Principal Axis Factoring and Varimax with Kaiser Normalization to the collected data showed that the SCS consisted of seven factors, i.e., Social Attachment, Parental Supervision, Parental Expectation, Helpful Others, Social Contact, Religious Activities, and Parent Availability. When the SCS was correlated with the ELLs’ scores on oral and written examinations, no significant relationship could be found between social capitals and English language achievement. Out of seven factors, only Helpful Others correlated significantly but negatively with ELLs' English achievement. The results are discussed from both empirical and theoretical perspectives and suggestions are made for future research.
titleSocial Capitals and English Language Learning in an Iranian Language Instituteen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsSocial capitalsen
subject keywordsEnglish language achievementen
subject keywordsschema theoryen
journal titleJournal of Language Teaching and Researchfa
journal volume7
journal issue2
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identifier articleid1066965

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