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contributor authorفرشاد بهرامیen
contributor authorسیدرضا موسوی حرمیen
contributor authorمحمد خانه بادen
contributor authorمحمدحسین محمودی قرائیen
contributor authorRahmatollah Sadeghien
contributor authorFarshad Bahramifa
contributor authorSayyed Reza Moussavi Haramifa
contributor authorMohammad Khanehbadfa
contributor authorMohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaiefa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:36:06Z
date available2020-06-06T13:36:06Z
date issued2017
identifier uri
description abstractThe purpose of this study is to identify the pore types and distinguish the pore facies based on the diagenetic performance. The petrographic examination of 230 thin sections lead to the identification of a variety of primary and secondary porosities and show that the vuggy, moldic and intercrystalline pores have more frequency than the intraparticle, interparticle and fenestral pores. The plot of data obtained from thin sections on the ternary porosity graph used for determining the pore facies and their diagenetic trends and led to the identification of6 pore facies including depositional (PF1), moldic (PF4), and vuggy (PF6) pore facies, and also mixture pore facies PF2 (mixture of PF1 and PF4), PF3 (mixture of PF1 and PF6) and PF5 (mixture of PF4 and PF6). The comparison of petrography results with the well logs, core permeability and the calculated RQI and FZI values show that the pore facies which have touching pores, especially PF6 and PF1, have played the most important role in improving the quality of the reservoir, especially in the upper part of the studied zone. Also the pore facies which have separate pores, especially PF4, have the most influence in the reduction of reservoir quality relative to other

pore facies, especially in the lower part of the studied zone. Most of the pores identified in the studied zone are the secondary porosity and diagenetic in origin. This demonstrates that the reservoir characteristics in the studied zone have been strongly modified by diagenetic overprinting. The most important diagenetic processes affecting the pore systems of the Asmari reservoir are cementation, selective and massive dissolution and dolomitization. Massive dissolution plays the most active role in the formation of touching vugs as well as enhancement of reservoir quality. Cementation and fabric selective dolomitization play the most active role in decrease of the reservoir quality.
titleIdentification of pore types and pore facies for evaluating the diagenetic performance on reservoir quality: a case study from the Asmari Formation in Ramin Oil Field, SW Iranen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordspore faciesen
subject keywordsdiagenesisen
subject keywordsreservoir qualityen
subject keywordsAsmari Formationen
subject keywordsRamin Oil Fielden
subject keywordsIran

Manuscript received
journal titleGeosciences Journalfa
journal volume21
journal issue4
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identifier articleid1063965

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