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contributor authorمهران زنده بودیen
contributor authorمحمدرضا فارسیانen
contributor authorMehran Zendehboudifa
contributor authorMohammad Reza Farsianfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:33:03Z
date available2020-06-06T13:33:03Z
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractEpistemologies of translation are a complicated subject that is beyond the scope of this article. As such, only the critical points have been addressed in this paper. One key epistemological issue is the analysis of discourse in any science. In this article, four scenarios of translation studies have been discussed. An underlying concept in translation studies is the issue of fidelity in translation. In this paper, the trajectory of this concept is analyzed in brief. It is followed by a reflection on two fundamental concepts of source oriented (Sources) and target oriented translation approaches, as they occupy a particular position in the translation. The last section of the article investigates dichotomies in the field of translation studies, including the theory of the action, the untranslatability versus translatability, art versus science, and etc. In this paper, we try to study theoretical principles of translatology. So we consider four important speeches of Jean Rene Ladmiral: Prescriptive translatology, Descriptive translatology, Productive translatology, scientific translatology and then we consider faithfulness in

translation. Ladmiral suggests two concepts for fidelity in translation: The source oriented (sources) and target oriented. These two concepts are the fundamental concepts in translatology. In the next step the translation science is investigated in various languages such as English, German and at last in French. Finally, we take a look at binary concepts: Theory vs. action, Translatability vs. untranslatability, Art vs. Science. This paper is in epistemology scope of translation and does not have pedagogical aspect, in other words, it is a function-oriented translation.
titleTheoretical Foundations of Translation Studiesen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsfidelity in translationen
subject keywordsJean-René Ladmiralen
subject keywordssource orienteden
subject keywordstarget orienteden
journal titleInternational Journal of English Linguisticsfa
journal volume6
journal issue7
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identifier articleid1060619

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