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contributor authorتهمینه تاجیکen
contributor authorسیدعلیرضا تقوی رضوی زادهen
contributor authorمحمدرضا اصلانیen
contributor authorJavad Tajiken
contributor authorTahmineh Tajikfa
contributor authorSyed Ali Reza Taghavi Razavizadehfa
contributor authorMohammad Reza Aslanifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:31:39Z
date available2020-06-06T13:31:39Z
date issued2015
identifier uri
description abstractElectrocardiographic (ECG) parameters and cardiac rhythms have been evaluated and published

in different breeds of beef and dairy cattle but there is limited information regarding these

parameters in healthy sheep. This study is aimed to investigate the ECG parameters in Balouchi

sheep. The ECG parameters including the amplitudes of P, Q, R, S and T waves, duration of P, QRS

and T waves and P-R, Q-T and R-R intervals were evaluated in 44 male and female clinically

healthy Balouchi sheep in standard and augmented limb leads (I, II, III, AVR, AVL, and AVF) and

base-apex lead. The mean heart rate was 89.6 beats/minute which had a significant correlation with

age (r=-0.269, p=0.014). Different configurations of P-wave, QRS complex and T wave were

observed in different ECG leads. It was found that age and gender affects some ECG parameters. In

some leads, rams had significantly higher amplitudes of P, Q, R, S and T waves and longer duration

of PRR interval than ewes. Also in some leads, the amplitudes of P, R and S waves were

significantly higher and the duration of QRS complex was shorter in sheep less than one year old

than sheep with age three years or older. The most common cardiac dysrhythmia observed on the

ECG traces was Sinus arrhythmia. Sheep with this dysrhythmia had a significantly lower heart rate

(p<0.05). Also, it was concluded that the base-apex lead was the most suitable lead for ECG

evaluation in sheep.
titleElectrocardiographic parameters in clinically healthy Balouchi sheepen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsArrhythmiaen
subject keywordselectrocardiogramen
subject keywordsBalouchien
subject keywordssheepen
journal titleIranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technologyfa
journal volume7
journal issue2
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identifier articleid1058992

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