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contributor authorمحمد وحیدی نیاen
contributor authorمحمد حدادیen
contributor authorمیثم شفیعی اردستانیen
contributor authorMohammad Vahidiniafa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:30:44Z
date available2020-06-06T13:30:44Z
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractSurgah Formation at Male-kuh well section with 82 meters thickness has been studied at Pol-e-

Dokhtar area. Surgah Formation at mentioned section was composed of limestone and shaly limestone.

The lower and upper contacts of studied formation with Sarvak and Ilam formations are

conformed. Based planktonic foraminifera study 37 species belonging to 10 genera in frame of two

planktonic foraminiferal biozones were identified respectively as below: 1) Dicarinella concavata

Interval Zone; 2) Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone. Finally, based on recent investigation

have been detected middle Turonian-Late Santonian age for studied section. According to (Robaszynski

and Caron 1979), the first occurrence of Dicarinella primitiva has been shown base of the

Coniacian stage. The first occurrence of Di. primitiva was placed under the Turonian-Coniacian

boundary. Robaszynski and Caron 1995 recorded the first occurrence of Dicarinella primitiva and

Dicarinella concavata were simultaneous and assigned to late Turonian which correlated with

ammonite’s species Subprionocyclus neptuni. In the correlation between ammonite and Dicarinella

primitiva at Tethyan realm first occurrence of Di. primitiva was close to the Middle-Late Turonian

sub stage. The base of Coniacian stage was identified based on the FODs of Archaeoglobigerina

cretacea and Dicarinella concavata from planktonic foraminifera with FOD of Cremnoceramus walterdorfensis

walterdorfensis from inoceramid group, while the base of Santonian stage recorded

using LOD of Dicarinella primitiva, Whiteinellids group with FODs of Dicarinella asymetrica and

Inoceramus aff. vistulensis (inoceramid species).
titleInvestigation of Main Planktonic Foraminiferal Bio-Events in Surgah Formation at Pol-e-Dokhtar Area, South Western of Iranen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsZagros Sedimentary Basinen
subject keywordsSurgah Formationen
subject keywordsMale-Kuh Sectionen
subject keywordsBiostratigraphyen
subject keywordsPlanktonic Foraminiferaen
journal titleOpen Journal of Geologyfa
journal volume6
journal issue6
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identifier articleid1057836

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