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contributor authorSoroor Sadat Farhangen
contributor authorMajid Elahi Shirvanen
contributor authorبهزاد قنسولیen
contributor authorBehzad Ghonsoolyfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:30:31Z
date available2020-06-06T13:30:31Z
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractWith the globalization of English, the macro and micro cultures of the users of English around the world interact intensively. Considering these conditions, the local and global cultural interface seems an important issue which needs to be clarified in the materials and books used for learning English. Thus, the focus of this study was to explore the language learning policy of the new Iranian English course book at high schools, Prospect 1, recently published and taught for a year in Iran, in light of globalization and culture. This qualitative study was conducted through carrying out semi-structured interviews. The participants of this study were 30 teachers of Ministry of

Education, who had the experience of teaching Prospect 1 for a year and they were mostly chosen from Mashhad and the rest from other cities of Khorasan province, Iran. The interview contained four main questions which were posed to the teachers. The findings of the study indicate that the language learning policy of Iran need to pay more attention to the learners’ intercultural communicative competence because it mainly attempts at teaching English language focusing on the home culture in the Iranian context. The article ends with some pedagogical implications and more recommendations for developing research studies.
titleExploring English Language Learning Policies in Iran Based on Secondary School Course Books for Learning English in Light of Globalization and Cultureen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsglobalizationen
subject keywordscultureen
subject keywordsintercultural communicative competenceen
subject keywordslanguage learning policyen
subject keywordsProspect 1en
journal titleSino-US English Teachingfa
journal volume13
journal issue3
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identifier articleid1057642

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