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contributor authorM.Kayiden
contributor authorسلمان ایزدخواهen
contributor authorS.Alshamien
contributor authorSalman Izadkhahfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:30:08Z
date available2020-06-06T13:30:08Z
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractThe concept of residual probability plays an important role in reliability and life testing. In this investigation, we study further the residual probability order and its related aging classes. Several characterizations and preservation properties of this order under some statistical and reliability operations of monotone transformation, mixture, weighted distributions, and order statistics are discussed. In addition, by comparing the original distribution with its associated equilibrium distribution with respect to the residual probability order, new aging classes of life distributions are proposed and studied. Finally, a test of exponentiality againstsuch classes is derived and sets of real data are used as examples to elucidate the use of the proposed test for practical problems.en
titleResidual Probability Function, Associated Orderings, and Related Aging Classesen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsThe concept of residual-role in reliability-Related Aging Classesen
journal titleMathematical Problems in Engineeringfa
journal volume2014
journal issue0
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identifier articleid1057245

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