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contributor authorیاسمن رفیقدوستen
contributor authorYoram Ecksteinen
contributor authorسیدرضا موسوی حرمیen
contributor authorمحمدحسین محمودی قرائیen
contributor authorاسداله محبوبیen
contributor authorYasaman Rafighdoustfa
contributor authorSayyed Reza Moussavi Haramifa
contributor authorMohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaiefa
contributor authorAsadollah Mahboubifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:29:02Z
date available2020-06-06T13:29:02Z
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractHierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and inverse modeling (PH REdox EQuilibrium (in C language) (PHREEQC)) were simultaneously useful approaches in interpreting surface water hydrochemistry within Talkhab River in the Tang-Bijar oilfield, Iran, where large uncertainties exist in the understanding of the water quality system. Qmode HCA applied to the data revealed three major surface water associations distinguished on the basis of the major causes of variation in the hydrochemistry. The three water groups were classified as upstream waters (group 1: Ca– SO4), intermediate waters (group 2: Ca–SO4–Cl), and downstream waters (group 3: Na–Cl). Geochemical reaction models were constructed using PHREEQC to establish the reactions associated with the different mineral phases through inverse modeling. The hydrochemical compositions of the water groups and the mass balance calculations indicate that the dominant processes and reactions responsible for the hydrochemical evolution in the system are (1) dissolution of evaporites, (2) precipitation of carbonate minerals, (3) silicate weathering reactions, (4) limited mixingwith salinewater, and (5) ion exchange.en
titleUsing inverse modeling and hierarchical cluster analysis for hydrochemical characterization of springs and Talkhab River in Tang-Bijar oilfield, Iranen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsInverse modelingen
subject keywordsPHREEQCen
subject keywordsHierarchicalen
subject keywordsCluster analysisen
subject keywordsSurfacewateren
subject keywordsHydrogeochemistryen
subject keywordsTang-bijaren
journal titleArabian Journal of Geosciencesfa
journal volume9
journal issue241
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identifier articleid1055847

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