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contributor authorرضا مسعودی نژادen
contributor authorمحمود شریعتیen
contributor authorخلیل فرهنگ دوستen
contributor authorReza Masoudinejadfa
contributor authorMahmoud Shariatifa
contributor authorKhalil Farhangdoostfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:28:29Z
date available2020-06-06T13:28:29Z
date issued2016
identifier uri
description abstractThe aim of this paper is to develop means to predict accurately the residual stresses due to quenching process of an UIC60 rail. A three-dimensional nonlinear stress analysis model has been applied to estimate stress fields of an UIC60 rail in the quenching process. A cooling mechanism with water spray is simulated applying the elastic-plastic finite element analysis for the rail. The three-dimensional finite element analysis results of the studies presented in this paper are needed to describe the initial conditions for analyses of how the service conditions may act to change the as-manufactured stress field.en
titleThree-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Residual Stresses in UIC60 Rails during The Quenching Processen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsresidual stressen
subject keywordsstress fielden
subject keywordsquenching processen
subject keywordsthermal loaden
journal titleThermal Scienceen
journal titleThermal Sciencefa
journal volume21
journal issue3
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identifier articleid1055107

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