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contributor authorMasoud Amuzegaren
contributor authorرسول رمضانیانen
contributor authorRasoul Ramezanianfa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:27:46Z
date available2020-06-06T13:27:46Z
date issued2014
identifier uri
description abstractThe spread of rumors, which are known as unverified statements of uncertain origin, may threaten the society and its controlling, is important for national security councils of countries. If it would be possible to identify factors affecting spreading a rumor (such as agents’ desires, trust network, etc.) then, this could be used to slow down or stop its spreading. Therefore, a computational model that includes rumor features, and the way rumor is spread among society’s members, based on their desires, is needed. Our research is focused on the relation between the homogeneity of the society and rumor convergence in it.Our result shows that the homogeneity of the society is a necessary condition for convergence of the spread rumoren
titleA Computational Model and Convergence Theorem for Rumor Dissemination in Social Networksen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsInformation Propagationen
subject keywordsSocial Simulationen
subject keywordsAgent-based Modelingen
journal titleISeCurefa
journal volume5
journal issue2
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identifier articleid1054062

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