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contributor authorساره بقائی راوریen
contributor authorناهید گرایلیen
contributor authorSareh Baghaee Ravarifa
contributor authornahid gerayelifa
date accessioned2020-06-06T13:27:36Z
date available2020-06-06T13:27:36Z
date issued2015
identifier uri
description abstractDuring visiting different greenhouses in Mahalat (Markazi province, Iran) in 2012-2013, bacterial soft rot

symptoms were observed on Opuntia and Haworthia spp. These consisted of small brown to black water-soaked lesions that increased in size with time, heavily damaging the affected plants. After evaluation of the pectolytic activity on a medium containing polygalacturonic acid using two indicators, 17 bacterial isolates were selected and identified as Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum

based on phenotypic features and specific PCR amplification using two sets of primers. All tested isolates

were pathogenic and caused the same type of symptoms upon artificial inoculation. A hypersensitive reaction was induced in tobacco leaves infiltrated with bacterial suspensions.

In a phylogenetic tree constructed with sequences of the housekeeping genes recA and pmrA based on individual and combined data sets the Iranian isolates clustered together with Pc subsp. carotovorum ATCC15713, in two subgroups with high statistical support. Those from Opuntia sp. were in the same cluster separated from the Haworthia strains by strong bootstrap values, indicating that the two selected genes could identify Pectobacterium at the subspecies level and monitor the diversity of Pcc

titleDetection of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum associated with bacterial soft rot of two succulent plants in Iran using recA and pmrA Genesen
typeJournal Paper
contenttypeExternal Fulltext
subject keywordsHaworthiaen
subject keywordsOpuntiaen
subject keywordspmrA geneen
subject keywordsplant diseaseen
subject keywordswatery decayen
journal titleJournal of Plant Pathologyfa
journal volume97
journal issue1
identifier link
identifier articleid1053801

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